Embracing Unity through the Power of Sport: Uniting to Raise Awareness Against Gender-Based Violence

As we conclude the momentous journey of the 16 Days of Activism, we are overwhelmed with pride and a profound sense of collective accomplishment. The final day of our campaign culminated in a remarkable event—a football match that symbolized our urgent call to reduce ignorance and obscurantism, empowering our society to propel forward in unity and understanding.

The theme of our football match, “The Urgent need to reduce ignorance and obscurantism in order to change the present and move forward,” echoed a powerful message that resonated deeply with each participant, spectator, and advocate of gender equality. It encapsulated the pivotal role of education, awareness, and individual responsibility in fostering true societal change.

As the spectators gathered, it was heartening to witness participants from diverse backgrounds coming together to witness the match, creating an electric atmosphere of shared purpose and dedication. The football pitch served as a catalyst, uniting us all under a common goal, transcending barriers, and fostering an environment of solidarity where sexual orientation and gender had no boundaries.

At the heart of this captivating sporting event was a resounding message: Civil society actors alone should not bear the burden of addressing gender-based violence alone. Instead, we emphasized that men have a crucial role to play in eradicating this pervasive issue. Through dialogue—a potent tool for systemic change—we sought to underscore the critical importance of men speaking out against the dangers of gender-based violence against Sexual and gender minorities. By leveraging these discussions, we aimed to catalyze collective action, effecting meaningful transformation within our communities.

Following the match, brief yet impactful discussions unfurled, centering on the profound significance of understanding gender-based violence, recognizing its far-reaching effects, and comprehending the lasting impact it inflicts upon its victims. These conversations served as a beacon of enlightenment, enlightening participants on the urgent need to engage men in conversation, urging them to become active advocates in the fight against gender-based violence.

The collective energy exuded during the football match, coupled with the earnest discourse that ensued, marked a poignant conclusion to the 16 Days of Activism. It reaffirmed our unwavering commitment to galvanize the force of unity—embracing the interconnectedness of our varied experiences and perspectives, all aligned in the pursuit of gender equality and social justice.

This event was not simply a football match; it was a testament to the transformative power of sport, igniting dialogue, engendering understanding, and invigorating societal attitudes. It exemplified the potential for impactful change when diverse voices converge in an atmosphere of mutual respect and understanding.

As we reflect on this remarkable day, we are resolute in my belief that by making men part of the conversation, we can forge a path toward a future defined by shared responsibility, empathy, and meaningful progress. We have unlocked a space for compassion, awareness, and collective action, embracing the urgency of this paradigm shift and charting a course toward a brighter, more inclusive future for all.

In the closing moments of this football match, we have etched an indelible mark—a declaration of our united stance against gender-based violence and a resounding call for all voices to play a harmonious role in manifesting a world free from disparity and injustice.

Let us carry this momentum forward, nurturing these crucial conversations and transformative experiences as we move ahead, steadfast in our dedication to promoting equality, understanding, and unity.

With renewed vigor and shared purpose,

Annual Report 2022: Working for Our Wellbeing

We are delighted to make public our annual report for 2022, showcasing the impactful work and activities carried out by our organization over the past year. This report provides a comprehensive summary of our initiatives, the support and assistance provided to sexual and gender minority individuals, and an overview of the human rights situation affecting these communities in Cameroon.

Direct Assistance to Victims of Gender-Based Violence:

Throughout 2022, we extended direct assistance to a significant number of victims of gender-based violence within the sexual and gender minority community. This involved providing immediate support, shelter, and resources to those affected by acts of violence, abuse, and discrimination. Our dedicated team worked tirelessly to ensure that individuals received the necessary care and support, addressing their unique needs with compassion and empathy.

Psychological Assistance:

As part of our holistic approach, we offered psychological assistance to individuals within the sexual and gender minority community who experienced trauma, distress, and mental health challenges. Our team provided counseling, emotional support, and guidance to help individuals cope with the psychological impact of discrimination, violence, and social stigmatization. Our goal was to foster healing and resilience, empowering individuals to overcome the emotional toll of their experiences.

Legal Assistance:

In our commitment to upholding the rights of sexual and gender minority persons, we offered legal assistance to individuals facing discrimination, human rights violations, and legal challenges. Our efforts included providing legal advice, representation, and advocacy on behalf of those targeted by discriminatory practices, ensuring that their rights were protected and upheld within the legal system.

Shelter Program:

Our shelter program played a vital role in providing a safe and secure environment for individuals who faced threats, violence, and homelessness due to their sexual orientation or gender identity. Through this initiative, we offered temporary accommodation, shelter, and support to those in need, aiming to ensure their safety and well-being during times of crisis.

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Bisexual Awareness Week: The Challenges and way forward for the Bi community in Cameroon

Bisexual Awareness Week, an international celebration dedicated to raising awareness about bisexuality, provides an opportunity to focus on the situation of bisexual individuals in Cameroon. This article aims to shed light on the challenges faced by bisexual people in Cameroon, the impact of punitive laws on their lives, the need to change hearts and minds, and the way forward to create an inclusive and accepting society.

The Situation of Bisexual People in Cameroon:

Bisexual individuals in Cameroon often face significant challenges in terms of societal acceptance and understanding. Cameroon, like many other countries, has a history of limited understanding and visibility regarding sexual orientation beyond the binary of heterosexual and homosexual identities. Bisexual individuals find themselves marginalized and stigmatized due to societal misconceptions, stereotypes, and prejudices.

Health and Well-being:

The lack of awareness and support for bisexual individuals can have detrimental effects on their mental and physical health. Bisexual people may face higher rates of mental health issues, including depression and anxiety, due to societal stigma and the pressure to conform to binary expectations.

Family and Social Networks:

Family acceptance plays a significant role in the well-being of bisexual individuals. Many bisexual individuals in Cameroon hide their sexual orientation, fearing rejection and familial discord. Supportive family and social networks can serve as a protective factor and provide a sense of belonging.

Bisexual people in Cameroon often experience invisibility, as their sexual orientation is frequently misunderstood or invalidated by both the LGBTQ+ community and the wider society. This lack of recognition can lead to feelings of isolation, mental health issues, and a reluctance to express their authentic selves openly.

The Role of Punitive Laws and Their Impact on Bisexual People

Punitive laws in Cameroon, such as those criminalizing same-sex sexual activity, have a significant impact on bisexual individuals. These laws not only perpetuate discrimination against homosexual individuals but also contribute to the erasure and suppression of bisexual identities.

The existence of punitive laws creates an atmosphere of fear and insecurity for bisexual people, as they face the risk of legal repercussions, social ostracization, and violence. This hostile environment hinders the ability of bisexual individuals to live authentically, seek support, and access vital resources.

Discrimination and Violence: The existence of punitive laws contributes to a climate of discrimination and violence against bisexual individuals. They may face harassment, physical attacks, and blackmail, perpetuated by the belief that their sexual orientation is deviant or immoral.

Impeding Access to Services: Fear of legal repercussions may prevent bisexual individuals from seeking essential services such as healthcare, HIV prevention and treatment, and legal assistance. This limited access exacerbates health disparities and impedes the overall well-being of bisexual people.

Changing Hearts and Minds in Cameroon

Changing hearts and minds in Cameroon requires a multifaceted approach that involves education, advocacy, and fostering dialogue. Here are some key strategies that can contribute to this process:

Cultural Sensitivity and Dialogue: Engaging in culturally sensitive conversations about sexual orientation can help challenge deeply entrenched beliefs and prejudices. Encouraging open dialogue that respects diverse perspectives can foster empathy and understanding.

Education and Awareness: Promoting comprehensive sexual education that includes information about diverse sexual orientations, including bisexuality, can help dispel myths and misconceptions. Education campaigns, both within schools and the wider community, can challenge stereotypes and promote understanding and empathy.

Advocacy and Visibility: Activist groups and LGBTQ+ organizations can play a crucial role in advocating for the rights of bisexual individuals. By organizing events, workshops, and awareness campaigns, these groups can amplify bisexual voices, highlight the challenges they face, and advocate for legal and social reforms.

Support Networks: Establishing support networks specifically for bisexual individuals can provide a safe space for sharing experiences, providing emotional support, and fostering a sense of belonging. These networks can also offer resources, information, and guidance to bisexual people navigating societal challenges.

Cultural Sensitivity and Dialogue: Engaging in culturally sensitive conversations about sexual orientation can help challenge deeply entrenched beliefs and prejudices. Encouraging open dialogue that respects diverse perspectives can foster empathy and understanding.

Engaging Youth and Education: Targeting educational institutions to include comprehensive sexuality education that covers diverse sexual orientations can create a more accepting and informed generation. It is crucial to engage young people in discussions about bisexuality, promoting acceptance and respect from an early age.

Media Influence: Collaboration with media outlets to promote accurate and positive representations of bisexuality can shape public perceptions. Including bisexual characters in TV shows, movies, and literature can help dispel stereotypes and reduce stigma.

The Way Forward
To create a more inclusive and accepting society for bisexual individuals in Cameroon, the following steps are crucial:

Legal Reforms: Advocacy efforts should aim to challenge and repeal punitive laws that criminalize same-sex sexual activity. Legal reforms can provide a foundation for protecting the rights and well-being of bisexual individuals and the wider LGBTQ+ community.

Engaging Religious and Community Leaders: Engaging religious and community leaders in dialogues about sexual orientation and gender identity can help challenge negative attitudes and promote acceptance. Encouraging them to embrace diversity and advocate for inclusivity can have a profound impact on societal attitudes.

Comprehensive Anti-Discrimination Policies: Introducing comprehensive anti-discrimination policies that explicitly protect individuals based on sexual orientation in various areas of life, including employment, housing, healthcare, and education, can provide legal recourse and protection for bisexual individuals.

Media Representation: Encouraging accurate and positive representation of bisexual individuals in media and popular culture can help challenge stereotypes and foster understanding. Promoting diverse narratives and showcasing bisexual role models can contribute to changing societal perceptions.

E. International Support: Advocacy groups and international organizations can play a vital role in supporting local efforts to promote bisexual awareness and rights in Cameroon. Providing resources, funding, and expertise can strengthen local initiatives and amplify their impact.

Capacity Building: Enhancing the capacity of local LGBTQ+ organizations and activists can empower them to advocate for change effectively. Training programs, workshops, and skill-building initiatives can equip individuals and groups with the necessary tools to drive social transformation.

Solidarity and Collaboration: Building alliances among diverse stakeholders, including LGBTQ+ organizations, human rights groups, religious leaders, and policymakers, can create a broader movement for change. Collaborative efforts can exert pressure for legal reforms and foster a more inclusive society.

Grassroots Initiatives: Supporting grassroots initiatives that focus on bisexual visibility, empowerment, and community-building can create safe spaces and networks for bisexual individuals. These initiatives can provide resources, counseling, and support while fostering a sense of belonging.

During Bisexual Awareness Week, it is essential to shed light on the challenges faced by bisexual individuals in Cameroon and around the world. By addressing the situation of bisexual people, the impact of punitive laws, the need for changing hearts and minds, and the way forward, we can work towards fostering a more inclusive and accepting society that recognizes and respects the rights and identities of all individuals, regardless of their sexual orientation.


Bisexuality Day was established by Wendy Curry, Michael Page, and Gigi Raven Wilbur. It was first officially observed in 1999 by the International Lesbian and Gay Association Conference in Johannesburg, South Africa. The purpose was to raise awareness of the challenges faced by bisexuals all over the world who simply want to go on living their lives being treated fairly and equally. Continue reading “23rd SEPTEMBER BI VISIBILITY DAY, HOW IT WENT DOWN WITH US.”

21st September 2021 International Day Of Peace

Theme: Recovering better for an equitable and sustainable world

Each year the International Day of Peace is observed around the world on 21 September. The UN General Assembly has declared this as a day devoted to strengthening the ideals of peace, through observing 24 hours of non-violence and cease-fire.

Continue reading “21st September 2021 International Day Of Peace”


Sexual and gender minorities (SGMs) continue to be exposed to various forms of abuse and violence of their rights as a result of this article. The latest annual 2020 national report on violations based on sexual orientation and gender identity and expression in Cameroon produced by the Unity Platform under the name “TRANSPHOBIA: The Face of a New Crisis” documented a total of 2,031 cases of rights violations and abuses across the national triangle. Women and transgender people are doubly victimized by these violations. Continue reading “SPORTS CORNER”

Free Shakiro and Patricia

We have been observant, relentless and persistent. The injustice that men do to advance and protect a corrupt system ends by catching up with them. Our justice system has been ridicule brought to it’s knees by men and women who have the mantle of dignity but chosen mediocrity and mundanity over the realities of what is needed of them. Overcrowding their sense of judgement with personal feelings and not the law. So how then do we conclude this matter?

We will continue demanding for the liberation of

SHAKIRO and PATRICIA. Continue reading “Free Shakiro and Patricia”

Listening, Workshop for empowerment, prevention, screening and Supported

Three or four times a month LGBTIQ+ people find themselves in a safe and discreet place to discuss topics about their realities. Whether you are gay, bisexual, questioning or a trans man, you are welcome. Our group is bilingual. We are usually between 13 to 20 people. You do not have to speak the first time. Just come.